Friday, 27 July 2012

XP Updated

Taking a look at a selection of practises from the 2nd edition of Beck's "eXtreme Programming Explained" I and others have noted a few clarifications and substantial changes in the practises, values and principles sections of the book. To me, these added a lot of credibility to the XP agile method and I want to focus my attention on some of the elements presented in the book for the next few posts.


Many agile developers claim that documentation is waste, because it is never read or kept up to date. I have covered this elsewhere in this blog, but Kent's take on this in the second edition is that he doesn't like this claim. He stated that those who do not value documentation value communication in less in general. I totally agree with this statement and most companies that I have been to where this is espoused are incredible poor communicators, having silo developers or even pairs who are not communicating when sat right next to one another (you just get a developer in 'the zone' who doesn't interact with the pair. This just generates waste for the paired programmer and increases communication waste going forward).

Jim Coplien in his book on Lean Architecture quite rightly introduces the reader to 'as-built' documents in the construction industry. Additionally, Beck says documents can be generated from the code. You can to that through reverse engineering tools, documentation comments (such as JavaDoc/Sandcastle) and all these can be automated. However, the focus in most companies is to get something out of the door, so this sort of aspect suffers badly, as developers claim it doesn't add value. Additionally, if self-documenting code is going to tell you what it does, as a new developer, where can I find the code? This was a criticism of XP after I read the 1st edition, but Beck gets around this by stating that teams or members leaving projects have a "Rosetta stone" document to decipher where to find this self-documenting code. You could argue that another developer will just tell you, but if that portion of the project has not been touched in a long while, then will they know? If not, the tribal memory has failed or evolved and that information is simply lost. So start digging!

"Does my bum look big in this? OK, I'll get down to the best value gym"

Reflection, Improvement and Economics are the part of agile methods that I consistently keep seeing performed ineffectively or not at all. How does a team know it is getting better? How does a team show it is providing value for the client's money? How does a team continuously improve if it is not measuring anything?

Velocity is the aggregate of a significant amount of information. A story point (which btw, Beck now ditches as a quantifying unit in the second edition, preferring to go with fixed time periods) is bad enough for most people. I personally don't mind them, as long as we know what influences them. Sure, they get better as they go along, but is that because of more of an understanding of a domain? Is it just the natural consequence of moving along the cone of uncertainty? Are the developers getting better at segregating their work and not blocking each other? Was it because someone on the team had a holiday or the team shrink? Was it because of a bank holiday? Without metrics, you have no idea!

CFD's are another pretty useless mechanism for quantifying these aspects. However, you see the majority of teams attempt to use tools which give that information but nothing else. Remember individuals and interactions over processes and tools? Yes? So reflect, as a team, in your retro's and do so compared to last week and indeed further back! If you don't make a note of the amount of work you delivered, what influenced it, how much waste you generated, how many blockers you had (and freed), your defect rate or anything else, you have nothing to use to measure any improvements at all. So anything you say at that point is speculative, which is not in accordance with XP's values.

You can tell I am very passionate about this part, since every team I have seen has almost always got this wrong if they did it at all. Having a postgrad in applied maths and also pertinent commitments in other facets of my life probably makes me much more likely to see waste and other problems before others do. However, this is a practise that those who espouse Beck's values themselves make a mess of time and time again and stagnate as a team, sometimes losing the benefits they gained earlier in projects, as the knowledge of that success fades or is lost (maybe due to no docs eh? :o)

Really, a lot of reflection ties in with the value of economics and improvement as described in Beck's book. Indeed, over the years, measures such as cycle time and throughput have come to be seen as the best indicators of the performance of the team. As a reductionist, I think simplifying to the pertinent set of variables (let's use a mathematical term and call these bases which must be independent), where required, is a really good idea and can almost always be done in some form (I have yet to find a situation which can't be 'metricised'). So looking at how this links on to more objective economic and accounting criteria such as cash flow and ROI.

Technically, if you reduce to the throughput alone and add the costs of employment of the individual staff members, you can combine these to determine the cash flow for each project, where the business value is measured directly on the card (which is something Beck now strongly encourages). I appreciate that a lot of situations will see the card not deliver value immediately, such as companies in seasonal markets, where the feature may be deployed in spring and the value doesn't get realised until summer, such as some retail, leisure and tourism and travel industries (This often adds a temporal element where the phasing of a release is very important).

For example, a service for beach donkey bookings need a website to organise the bookings for several agents. 99% of the value is delivered in two weeks in the summertime (last week in July and first week in August) and the whole industry is worth £1,000,000 a year to Beach Donkey Booking Co.

The company Beach Donkey Bookings Co employ two people full-time at £25,000 a year each, starting in the spring-time, 8 weeks before peak, to deliver the software system to manage this. Their project consists of 50 separate stories, of the same value (to make the maths easy, I know this is not the case in real-life), which the team of two deliver in pairs at a throughput of 5 x 8 hour cards a week (effectively, the 2 team members are delivering 40 hours worth of work a week between them), taking them 10 weeks to deliver the software at the very end of the peak period.

As a result, assuming the dregs of the value for the investment are spread normally outside these values, they gain £10,000 (i.e. 1%) from the investment in the development of the software for this year, whilst paying the costs of the developers at £25,000 for that year. So for this year, on the balance sheet, it produces a net loss of £15,000!!!

'Hero' Programmers

Personally, I agree with Beck's assessment that you get more out of a set of average developers than you do out of one hero developer in a team of less than averages. Indeed, in the second edition of XP explained, Beck states that XP is about getting the best out of ordinary developers at any time. So where do the 1% to 2% of top level developers go?

Those who have an interest in anthropology/sociology/marketing/non-linear maths, will know that information takes hold when the population is predisposed to that meme taking hold. For example, if your local area has a bunch of gossips who are interested in everyone else's business and they hear that so and so from number 52 has had several women arrive and leave that house, that meme will spread virally. Put that same meme in the hands of one gossip in a population who keep themselves to themselves and that information goes nowhere.

Often, in IT, that one person is the smartest person in a company. Given the distribution of these people in the wider populous, where are these people going to go? What do they do? Should they be sacrificed for the good of the wider groups, given they are the people who brought science, computing, technology, engineering, mathematics and the like to the very society that now shuns them (even if they are just as extrovert and inclusive as everyone else)?

XP introduced practises that appealed to programmers, who are the vast majority of developers on the market. That is really why it took off the first time. In its aim to bring consistency to mediocrity, it certainly lived up to its expectations and I agree that everyone should strive for better. Hopefully that means some of the programmers look wider afield than their preferred area of work. Including into metrics and continuous improvement, as well as truly understanding the element of constraints referenced in the second edition of the book.

Planning Waste

Adequate planning is regarded by a lot of developers to be a waste of time. The problem planning is not the planning itself, after all, failure to plan is planning to fail. It is that the best laid plans of mice and men get laid to waste. So where is that balance?

This book doesn't really address this delicate balancing act in any great detail. Indeed, you could argue that this will very much differ from team to team and company to company, so how can it? However, it does give a strong hint as to when the planning activities should take place.

The two cycles of weekly and quarterly planning are effectively attempting to bring together the cycle and architectural planning activities, with the developers being the 'glue' that drives the smaller cycled from the bigger ones, architectural ones.


Beck delves much deeper and broader into the roles that team members have compared to the first edition of his book. He shows how project and program managers roles work under XP and also explicitly defines and delineates the role of Architect in a project.

The lack of architectural responsibility was a huge criticism that I had of the first edition of the book. Apparently, I was not the only one during the intervening years. He was always rather vague about this responsibility after the first publication, but after this publication, he is much clearer about what the role of the architect should be and I, for one, am delighted with this clarification.

Many developers have traditionally fought against architectural guidance, which they saw as being at odds with agile methods as they think it introducing BDUF. They really don't understand the role of the architect, how important they are in seaming together the systems, translating business domain knowledge into systems, dealing with risk, stakeholders and NFRs. I sincerely hope people who read the second edition of this book will get a glimpse of what the role of architect is in this framework.


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