Thursday, 28 August 2014

Drawback of Shared Service: Part 2, Improving on Shared Services

A month or so ago I wrote about some of the biggest drawbacks of shared services in today's market. There are folk out there who make their living delivering these shared services, so I was approached and asked why I felt such a need to denigrate them. That wasn't really the point of the blog and perhaps I could have phrased the somewhat 'tabloid' headline better, especially when I cited them as Evil (which in an accelerated delivery sense, they are but are so nice to reason with, even in purely SOA circles). However, it also became clear that mapping the flow of work through  business hasn't really been done by some in that camp before and hence they didn't have visibility of the actual flow of work through the system.

Kanban and visual management really helps make explicit the work that is goign on. Plus, shared services are only evil in agile and optimised worlds, where the fitness of a company is ingrained in a company's need to adapt and deliver at a fast pace. They form bottlenecks and hence constraints in traditional systems, even if they themselves deliver things quickly (i.e. they are suboptimal). The focus of the last blog was on these systemic issues, not on the individual services and I assumed that the shared services were in themselves optimised. Don't forget, constraints are a natural and expected concept in Systems Thinking and indeed, form a critical concept in the Theory of Constrains. When systemic problems they bring are solved, they are something I and anyone else working in business optimisation positions should be aware of and then look around to see where the constraint has moved to, because they will.

Revisiting Shared Services

Shared services are a stand alone service in a company. They may or may not have budgetary and reporting functions, may have all the elements to deliver a service end-to-end in their arena or perhaps most optimally, deliver business features to other services. They are often characterised as having one accounting cost centre, even if they cut across multiple skill-sets.

For example, in one company, an IT shared service may not have budgetary and HR control consist of:

  • Distinct Tech Support teams - With management
  • Testing teams - With management
  • Software Development teams - With management
  • System Operations/Technical/Network services teams - With management
  • Overall departmental/service management

In another company, their IT service may consist of:
  • Distinct Tech Support teams - With management
  • Software Development teams consisting of DevOps, BAs, QAs/testers - With team leads
  • System Operations/Technical/Network services teams - With management
And management of each team has budgetary responsibility etc.

And indeed, it could be fairly mature and have teams that delivers end-to-end ad support the application.

Getting teams to be more effective inside the bounds of a shared service is a noble goal, but the problem is the constraint then shifts to being a systemic problem, which is what I illustrated last time.

Is Optimising Shared Services Useless?

Not really. If you are moving from a traditionally hierarchical organisation to a flatter, leaner more agile one, it can be a very useful first step and indeed, almost always is. Just getting everyone in the same team who is responsible for delivery in that shared service ad visualising the work they are each contended for is an incredibly useful way to see how they are being pulled from pillar to post. 

However, further down the line, this ceases to yield any significant improvements in value delivery, simply because of the contention on the service as a whole.

If I had to provide my top-4 tips on how to transition from traditional shared services to lean, multifunctional teams, they would have to be:

1. Pick a Stakeholder's Departmental Concern 

Start with the needs of a stakeholder and map the flow of their end-to-end tasks through the entire organisation, noting the departments and functions it touches. 

This often manifests as perhaps a customer entity which starts as a form on a web page, then becomes a record in the DB, then becomes a task for an engineer to come out and do and a conversation that a customer has with a call centre representative when they register an account once the work is completed etc.

To illustrate this through a well known medium, in IT, this can often manifest as the ALM process, for example:

Mapping a sample software ALM to departmental functions

Once you have that list of departments for each individual journey, get everyone in that journey into one team. That way they are all aligned to that one value chain. Note the responsibilit numbers above and the team members below:

Collating members of the value chain into one team

2. Map & Optimise Implicit factors & Visualise EVERYTHING!

These are often 'invisible' supporting functions, such as internal technical support, network services, software licensing, recruitment of team members, capital expenditure for servers etc. These have an impact on the performance of the team, especially in delivery. 

Perhaps the most famous of these is the move to DevOps from SysOps, especially when capital expenditure for servers has traditionally taken a long period of time. First the server is specified, then it is requested by tech services, finance have to approve it, tech services have to build it, SysOps have to provision it on the network, then the system is deployed on to it before going live. Each of those context switches (which is effectively what it is for the server being switched) takes a significant period of time. 

Changing Capex to OpEx (e.g. by using PAYG Cloud Services) especially those coming in under delegated departmental financial authority (especially with the team accountant now being on board) then removes the need for the finance context switch and authorisation to occur, reducing the amount of items in the finance 'to do' list at the same time. This then means that SysOps/Tech services can provision services without the need to get finance authorisation, which is a significant enough saving, as it in turn reduces the lead time but also, if the SysOps staff members are then brought into the development team, this means the development team can then take the technical parts of some feature from inception to live without having to go outside the team, reducing the number of blockers they can't solve.

This can also be applied to HR, facilities, engineering etc. as long as the value chain make sense and the majority of their individual contribution is to this value chain and not some other.

3. The Value Chain is your alignment!

Overlay the journey in tip 1 onto your value chain. Make sure they match and identify and integrate where they don't. The actual journey is what you deliver, not the slide deck the value chain is present in, so that is your starting point and takes precedence. This gives you an aligned enterprise architecture baseline.

After that, look to transition to what your value chain 'vision' looks like on the slide deck, because I bet they don't match :) If you are lucky enough that they already do, or you've done the transition, make sure you're delivering the best value you can. That means revisiting the value metrics and seeing if there is a way to improve them. Chances are just aligning everyone will deliver improvements in itself, but there is always room for more :) 

For example, delivering faster improves financial metrics such as ROR, IRR and NPV which also improves ROI indirectly. Delivering predictably, reliably and with high quality reduces the need for contingency and some BAU processes. 

4. Munge Carefully, one change at a time!

When absorbing functions into teams, make the changes gradually. As usual, smaller changes are easier to integrate than larger ones ad this goes for people too. Smashing two tribes together only ever causes fights, so it is useful to be mindful of the psychology of folk. Indeed, in a lot of cases, most people take to the idea of being an team's authority really very well, even if they are reticent to leave the department they started in.


Creating Shared services which are fully self contained and are aligned to business value are the first step in what could be a long journey for some companies. It also has a very short shelf life, since they will get split and amalgamated into thinner verticals. As you can see fro the diagrammed example, we didn't map every single type of task each department had to do, just the ones that started a vertical and then overlaid the extraneous tasks over the top through implicit tasks which appeared as we looked at each journey.

There are many more tools and techniques which can be used to decipher the actual value chains, including some that can apply here. However, for brevity, hopefully this provides a reasonable start. Also, look into mapping the systemic flow of tasks, but do so for all tasks in the system. If you are looking for a reasonable primer on Systemic Flows, see Ian Carroll's blog for a really good start and primer in synergistic fluency.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Q: What Do Agility & Astrophysics Have In Common?

There is an agile coaching game called the static points game. It's an extremely useful illustration of how complexity evolves from really simple rules which in the enterprise world, shows how businesses always change under multiple forces, which should be familiar to those in the change management space. I've played it twice, the first was an introduction by Ash Moran whilst I was at and more recently with Ian Carroll. It's pretty simply, to play:

  1. Get everyone to stand up and move to the edge of the room (or form a circle if the room is too big) 
  2. Tell each person to pick two other folk from the group 
  3. The simple rule is to stay equidistant (the same distance away) from both of them. 
  4. Then let them go.

What you'll see is the group organise and shift about, jostling as the distances come to an equilibrium, then eventually settle. You can play it again, telling people to keep the original two people,  and see where they settle this time. Chances are they settle differently from where they did previously (a digital camera might and high angle come in handy for this variation of the game :).

Reset the game, and with everyone keeping their two folk, fix any one person from the group where they are, perhaps using a chair and send everyone else back to the edge of the room and play it again. They settle quicker. Do it again with that one person fixed, and photograph. You can keep fixing more and more folk and the organisation comes to settle much quicker, with much less movement.

What does this Illustrate?

As an abstract systems game, it naturally covers a multitude of arena!
  • How departmental level business changes relative to other departments as politics plays a part in how departmental heads compete for work or pass blame. Imagine the people in that game are working in an organisation and trying to balance the needs of two sets of stakeholders.
  • How uncoordinated systems work with one another as they evolve (which I believe is what you think this refers to here). Imagine the people in that game are subsystems taking with interfaces to two other systems.
  •  How uncoordinated work-streams work with one another as they evolve (in agile environments, this is what I think happens with shared systems. They pull against the shared systems). Imagine the people in that game are subsystems communicating with interfaces to two other systems.
  • It shows how complexity can manifest from a really simple rule-set. This one is self-explanatory. Intelligent agents (i.e. people, bees etc.) using a really simple rule can still produce a significant amount of very complex behaviour. This, like all the rest, is called [mathematical] chaos.
  • It shows that relationships are easily equally as important as the entities themselves
  • How organisms relate to one another
  • It is a manifestation of planets being influenced by each other’s gravity
Mathematically speaking, they are ALL a manifestation of what is called the n-body problem. The planetary example that ends that list above is where this originated.

A Lesson in Planetary motion

We orbit the sun because our mass is significantly less than it. The effect we have on the sun is near negligible. This is like a big CEO of a company, keeping things in order by imposing forces upon the lower weighted levels, who can’t respond in any meaningful or significant way. However, the behaviour of the system is predictable and has been like that for billions of years. With the big, overarching, autocratic CEO (or C-Suite) in it, and with the absence of any other influential factors, the environment rarely changes, so there is no need for it to change. That is one sun and several planets and moons and their orbits (statics and dynamics) that systemically stay the same for millions if not billions of years, even if what goes on on the surface changes. As far as systems are concerned, architecturally, these are all static points. That’s a high level block diagram!

However, in agile environments, you are empowering folk, quite rightly. Hence, the gravity they have and are allowed to have, relative to the system, is much higher. However, returning to the n-body system, If you have two equally weighted planets orbiting around each other, they will pull each other’s orbits. If you have three orbiting each other, it has been proven that the behaviour of an unconstrained system, is near unpredictable aside from very restricted contexts (i.e. akin to how often waterfall delivered on time and on budget, which some would argue has the same probability that our solar system came into existence the way it has :) Plus, because the class of problem is the same for all of the above, this chaos or ‘randomness’ applies to all of the above examples too.

OK, how can you test if the result is random?

Firstly, this is a complexity problem. You can't necessarily test the system internals [aka business] as a whole if the result isn't predictable or consistent. However, what you can test, is that the unit which is the individual person, does manifest the rules correctly! i.e. they keep the same distance from their two folk at all points of change, including all points of jostling! After all, most software systems test that rules manifest correctly. For example, you can't open a bank account if you don't have ID or you can't board a plane for an international flight without a passport. Each and every one of the individual entities, as well as the whole in deterministic systems, is defined by: 

  • A pre-condition, which includes the initial state of the system - The position they are in in the room 
  • An action - Someone moves
  • A post-condition - They have to remain equidistant

With an invariant that they have picked two constant people to apply the rule with.

Which in BDD/Gherkin syntax is akin to:

Background each person has two different folk to focus on

Given the person is in the room
When someone moves
Then the person has to be the same distance from their left-person and right-person

Remember, a static point is not just the structure or entity, it is also the behaviour it exhibits. Hence, the best way to make a change and make it testable, with the minimum of risk. is to nail all but one of the folk (read systems, which include the entities and how they behave – that is the aggregate of business, application, data and technology for each feature), make that small change, test they manifest the rules, then release everything, make sure the system didn't disintegrate (i.e. all the other elements correctly adhere to their own rules, which may be the old ones), then for the next change, nail all but a different one, make a change, release etc. The key is to test that the one body itself adheres to the simple rule you want of it! This provides parallels in systems?

For example, if in the static points game above, if we took just one person (which is a business unit or capability), let's call them 'delta' and made the rule that they stay an arms length away from everyone else and can pull the folk together if they are not, then played the game again. They may get jostled about a bit by the rest of the business going about its [old] business, which is still testable, whilst simultaneously pulling the two folk to their arms length distance. Note, through pulling folk, the rest of the system, that means folk who have picked one or other or even both of the people pulled by delta, and their 2nd, 3rd and nth degree of separation, will also change. So this new rule influences the system as a whole, but crucially, the rest of the system adhered to the old 'equidistance' rule, which like the new one, you can still measure individually (as mentioned at the top of this section). You measure that Delta is doing their job by ensuring they keep their two within 'punch distance' at all points of change, i.e. jostling.


Trust me, this is a very difficult concept for some folk to get and it requires some 'micro-thinking'. Indeed, it always provides a learning point in communication to me. Whilst there is almost nothing anybody in the IT world can tell me about non-linear system dynamics, there is a lot I have to learn about communicating the concept across in language people understand. That is why I attend community events, such as TechNights, Lean Agile Manchester etc. it’s to learn to effectively communicate the ideas to people who do not have that bridge or background. I've been through this sort of discussion a couple of dozen (or more) times and I still communicate this wrong now, because there may be levels of knowledge or skill between the person I am trying to communicate this to and the understanding of non-linear dynamics that would help illustrate the benefits of the knowledge. I'd be interested to see how others communicate this to analytical and non-analytical audiences alike.

So the best I can do for now is probably illustrate it with video. In the external links below, take a look and see if the systems look the same as each other after they've been running for a while. Indeed, you can run the YouTube vids side by side if your broadband is up to it.

External Links
n-Body Gravity Simulation like folk at the edge of a room -
n-Body simulation with 50 million entities -

VIew these two 3 body problems side by side: (from 24 seconds in - This also has multiple runs with different starting points)